Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Millennium Goals

My big projects for the year are the Millennium Goals, two sets of nine achievements that have to be completed at various points. The first set has to be done by the beginning of January, and the second by the end of finals week. For every one I fail I have to watch a not-X-rated movie chosen by my peers. I'm already queued up to watch Barbie's Magical Adventures. Lists are below.

Short Term
Successfully replicate a restaurant dish.
Read two books on photography. 
Run a 7.5 minute mile.
Bench press 140 pounds.
Flash five balls.
Sit still for 20 minutes.
Get an A- in Grad Math Methods and a A in Statmech.
Stop instinctively avoiding eye contact. 
Write a 500 word creative piece in Spanish.

Long Term

Cook a three course fusion meal.
Get something published in a student zine.
Get my resting heart rate to or below 60 BPM.
Bench press 200 pounds.Juggle five balls.
Sit still for 60 minutes. 
Get an 870 or above on the GRE.
Trim my emotional hypersensitivity. 
Pass the Spanish language competency exam.

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