The first set of millennium goals were to be completed by today. Overall, I didn't do very well. Goals are below.
Successfully replicate a restaurant dish. Pass. Done with a couple of different things. Unfortunately this doesn't really mean that much, because "any restaurant dish" is such a low bar it's impossible not to pass. The other goal is a lot stricter, and I'll definitely have a lot more fun with that.
Read two books on photography. Fail. Was planning on doing this over break, decided to read things I wanted to instead.
Run a 7.5 minute mile. Pass! Really proud of this one!
Bench press 140 pounds. Fail. Nowhere close. Hoping I'll get this far by spring break. Reaching 200 by the end of spring quarter will be physically impossible.
Flash five balls. Pass. Video goes up when I can juggle them.
Sit still for 20 minutes. Passed a couple of different times. Honestly not sure why I wanted to do this one.
Get an A- in Grad Math Methods and a A in Statmech. Fail. I withdrew from Math Methods.
Stop instinctively avoiding eye contact. Pass, I think. This one is a lot harder to judge success, but I think I'm doing a lot better.
Write a 500 word creative piece in Spanish. 50 words is the same thing as 500, right? No? Then fail.
Overall 5 passes, 4 fails, only really proud of 2 of the passes. My original goal was to have at least 13 passes in total, meaning I'd have to pass eight of the long term goals. I'm definitely failing the anaerobic one and almost-definitely the Spanish one, so there's no chance of hitting that mark. I still intend to try for them and accept the consequences of failing.
Looking back, I'm unsurprised I did so poorly. I was setting up huge goals with a lot of time to do them with no milestones. It would have made a lot more sense to set up a bunch of small goals that built on each other with short times between them. Weekly goals, if you will. I'm gonna go back to the drawing board and find a better way of structuring improvement.
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